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Pinhole PIR motion sensor installed in cinema chair


The Motion Sensor 360 - Pinhole is designed for custom installations where discreet is the name of the game. This silent and tiny PIR motion sensor inspires truly unique and creative installation ideas. While your imagination is the limit to what can be done with these devices, here are just a few ideas that may spark some inspiration. 

The first idea is to install the Pinhole motion sensor in bedside tables, Carefully positioned so that a person’s legs and feet will trigger the sensor as they get out of bed. This simple bit of automation can be extremely effective, especially with some clever programming to have the lighting come on to a low brightness level at night for convenient midnight trips to the kitchen or bathroom.

Motion sensor in bedside table

Dressing rooms warrant good lighting both in the room and in wardrobe units to beautifully illuminate your clothing and provide the most luxurious dressing experience possible. The Pinhole sensor can be neatly hidden inside wardrobe units so that they pick up on the movement of a hand or arm as a cupboard door is opened, triggering the internal wardrobe lighting to come on. This would provide a premium experience while still being environmentally responsible as the lighting will be off except for when it is actually needed. 


Cinema rooms can be a place of fun and wonder, a room designed specially to relax and enjoy a few hours of down time. Sometimes you don’t want to stop the film and disturb the magic to sneak away for a popcorn and soda top up. To this end, the Pinhole motion sensor can be installed into cinema seating, and positioned to trigger as a person stands up from their seat. The sensor can then be programmed to turn on dim, low level lighting that will guide the viewer to their destination while causing minimal disruption to other viewers in the room. For this application we would recommend taking the locking nut from the Pinhole and screwing this onto the front of the lens, rather than the back, as this will neatly hold the padding of the upholstery back from the sensor lens.

PIR Pinhole motion sensor mounted in cinema chair

A final and very practical idea is for use on staircases.  No one wants to have to turn on bright hallway lights late at night, or worse, navigate the darkness so that they can descend the staircase to get a glass of water for example. A well placed motion sensor at the top and bottom of a staircase triggering some soft lighting to illuminate the stairs can vastly improve a person’s home experience. By having the sensors simply turn the lighting on and programming an automatic timeout so that the lights turn off after a short time, both safety and convenience can be easily achieved without compromising the aesthetic of the staircase itself. 

While extremely niche, we can’t wrap up this blog without taking a look at the very creative use of the Pinhole sensor by Jack Avery at Future Light Design. Jack cleverly hid the Pinhole sensor in a hollowed out book and placed it inconspicuously on a bookshelf. This sensor is being used to trigger the lighting in an underground wine cellar, ensuring it is always lit when there are people in the room, but off when the room is empty.

PIR Pinhole motion sensor installed in book

There are endless unique application possibilities for the Pinhole sensor, but hopefully these ideas will get you started and perhaps inspire some new automation ideas. 


If you have used the Faradite Pinhole motion sensor in a unique and interesting way we would love to hear about it and see your handiwork! Feel free to drop us an email at anytime and share pictures of your work.

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