KNX Tech Top Tips: YouTube Playlist
Over a year ago Faradite entered the world of KNX with the launch of the impossibly tiny Motion Sensor 360 - KNX. This tiny, flush mounted KNX PIR offered a powerful set of features, designed and created to give KNX integrators automation options for their KNX projects.

As this powerful device has such a vast set of features, we have created a number of assets to explain, in detail, just what the M360-KNX is capable of, and how to commission these specific options within ETS.
To introduce and explain some of these features we sat down with Chris, Founder and MD of Faradite to look at the true power of this sensor. The full playlist can be found here.
The full series of KNX Tech Top Tips includes:
Episode 1 - Multiple Functions
Episode 2 - Day/Night Modes
Episode 3 - Master & Slave
Episode 4 - Operation Modes
Episode 5 - Function Types
Episode 6 - Push Button Input
Episode 7 - Brightness Thresholds
Episode 8 - Constant Light Control
Episode 9 - Advanced Function Types
Episode 10 - Long Presence Detection
Episode 11 - Timeout Adjustment via Group Object
Episode 12 - Heartbeat Group Object
Episode 13 - Constant Light Control (2)
Further to the video playlist series, the full instruction manual is a 63 page document that explains each and every parameter of the device. Where applicable, it details the min/max values possible, the default value and explains the behaviour of the parameter when commissioned. The instruction manual also includes some specific how-to-guides which goes through step-by-step set up of a few popular integration examples.
See the full instruction manual here
Our Youtube channel includes many other videos including case studies, product information, explainers and more. Be sure to take a look and subscribe to stay up to date with the latest from Faradite.