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CEDIA Awards 2020

CEDIA Awards 2020

Awards season is nearing and despite the undeniable effect of the international pandemic, the custom install industry is looking forward to celebrating the best projects of the past year. One of the most prestigious events in the calendar is the CEDIA awards show which rewards “technical excellence, product innovation, and individual professionals”. This year the awards show is being held on October 8th and is an online event.   

Here at Faradite we are extremely proud to see so many of our customers on the shortlist. So, we would like to say a huge congratulations to the following Faradite customers on their shortlisting for the CEDIA awards:

Intelligent Abodes
Lifestyle Technologies
Life Emotions
TwentyTwo Integration

TwentyTwo integration is an integration company with offices in London and the Cotswolds and have previously won CEDIA awards in 2016, 2017 and 2018. We spoke with Andy from TwentyTwo Integration to find out why Faradite Sensors were the ideal option for their shortlisted project. Andy explained the features delivered by the Faradite Motion Sensor 360 Volt Free:

“We used the PIRs for two reasons. Firstly they provided a convenient way of triggering the Lutron Lighting system in the En Suite bathrooms. Built into this programming was a time of day variable on how the lighting would react i.e low level lighting if the PIR was activated during the night so as not to startle.

We also used PIR’s for the stairway so that members of staff could access the primary residence without the requirement of using a lighting keypad, which also meant these lights could automatically be switched off should there be no movement after a pre-defined period.”

When asked why Faradite sensors are their go to for motion sensing Andy commented:

“These products were used due to the size and the simplicity of how they work when integrated with a Lutron contact closure interface.”

Small size and Simplicity - we couldn’t have said it better ourselves Andy! 

Cyberhomes are another coveted integrator based in Thame. 

The guys from Cyberhomes were kind enough to share some images of the cinema they are shortlisted for and it looks absolutely incredible. This project includes a number of our Motion Sensor 360s delivering the discreet motion sensing the high end residential market demands.

If you would like to install the finest motion sensors in the world, please contact us at to find out more. 

We would like to congratulate our customers on their shortlisting and look forward to seeing the awards be announced. 

The Faradite Team.

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