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Motion sensor in shower for home automation

Case Study - Zmart Hohm Smart Shower

Our range of sensors are used across the world to automate smart homes and smart buildings, but in our latest case study we will see a Faradite motion sensor used for an application that is certainly out of the ordinary. 

Zmart Hohm home with PIR motion sensor inside

 We visited Gloucestershire in England, to see a very interesting project that has been delivered by Zmart Hohm. The project in question utilises one of our Motion Sensor 360 - IP67 devices installed inside the shower cubicle to automate the shower.

PIR motion sensor in a shower for home automation

As Zach Meek - MD of Zmart Hohm, explains the automation that is working behind the scenes, it is clear that there has been a lot of thought put into delivering this application. The homeowner can set their wake up time in the app, which wakes them up with gentle audio and a slow dimming of the lights in the bedroom. This also starts a 2 hour time window for the shower automation.

Shower home automation with Faradite PIR motion sensor

 Because the Faradite Motion Sensor 360 - IP67 is completely waterproof, it is installed inside the shower cubicle, as soon as the user slides open the shower door, the PIR detector is triggered and the shower begins to run. Behind the scenes, the shower is being controlled by a solenoid valve and the Zmart Hohm team have installed pipe stats to monitor the water flow temperature and mix it to the users desired temperature. They have also commissioned a setting for one user that means the water temperature starts warm but after a few minutes of showering the water temperature slowly begins to drop so the user can start the day fresh and alert.

Faradite motion sensor automating shower in a smart home

 This very specific automation application was only made possible because of our completely waterproof, IP67 motion sensor which has built in seals and a rubber cable entry grommet. While we often see our IP67 sensor used in marine installations or outdoors, seeing one installed inside a shower cubicle to automate the shower is a really refreshing idea, and one that has been executed flawlessly by the Zmart Hohm team. 

If you have used our Motion Sensor 360 - IP67 in an interesting application please share with us on social media or email with the details, we always enjoy seeing the creativity and ingenuity of our customers.

To find out more about Zmart Hohm head on over to their website here: Zmart Hohm

The legal part: Please note that insects crawling over the lens of the sensor can trigger the sensor, its is therefore essential that other blocking logic such as a time window after an automated alarm clock (or other human action) is used to enable such automatic features. Faradite take no responsibly for any damage caused to buildings as a result of our sensors being used to automate automatic showers.

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